Uncharted Territory: Metro Health Expands COVID-19 Testing to Asymptomatic Individuals
May 11, 2020 - San Antonio
A historic day on San Antonio’s COVID-19 timeline. On Monday, Metro Health announced the expansion of coronavirus testing to asymptomatic individuals. “We’ve not done this in the general public,” said Metro Health Director Dr. Dawn Emerick on May 7. Screenshot: City of San Antonio
By Jade Esteban Estrada - Staff Writer, San Antonio Sentinel
On Monday, the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District quietly announced the expansion of COVID-19 testing to asymptomatic individuals. Local health care providers, drive-through locations, and the San Antonio Fire Department’s Mobile Integrated Healthcare Program (MIH) will continue to partner to bring the community accessible testing at no cost, while prioritizing vulnerable populations and marginalized communities.
Previously, residents were required to show symptoms of the illness, which included a fever, dry cough, chills, among other symptoms of COVID-19. Starting May 11, locals will have access to testing even if they do not have any coronavirus symptoms.
“We continue to remind the public that COVID-19 testing is a snapshot in time,” described Dr. Dawn Emerick, director of Metro Health. “Just because a person tests negative, it does not mean they have not contracted COVID-19 previously or cannot contact it in the future. For our residents who are insured, they also have the option to contact their provider to access testing. It is important for the uninsured residents to know they also have access to testing at no charge and have resources to make sure they are healthy and are aware of services that are available in our city.”
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On Sunday, Bexar County reported 1,901 confirmed COVID-19 cases and a death toll of 56.
As this new testing policy goes beyond jails and nursing homes, this marks a historic day on San Antonio’s COVID-19 timeline.
“The only asymptomatic testing we’ve done is in those congregate settings,” said Emerick on May 7 during a televised COVID-19 update. “We’ve not done this in the general public. It will be interesting to see [the results].”
To find a list of COVID-19 testing sites, visit covid19.sanantonio.gov.
Jade Esteban Estrada is a staff writer at the San Antonio Sentinel, where he covers public health and other citywide issues. He can be reached at jade@sasentinel.com.