Rodkeys CBD Offers New Spin on Traditional Coffee

January 25, 2020 - Northwest San Antonio

Article and Photos by: B. Kay Richter - Writer, SA Sentinel

The grand opening of Rodkeys CBD buzzed with the sounds of a local DJ while locals milled around the shop and java house on Saturday. 

This is the second shop for the owner, Charles Rodkey, who said he wanted a place where the CBD community and the general public could come together in a relaxed atmosphere. 

"When people use a product, we want to provide a place for them to hang out and to have business meetings or even get their school work done," he said. 

Rodkey has been a fixture in the CBD industry for five years and part of that was working with other local businesses within the industry. 

"This is a new concept," Rodkey said. "CBD is becoming a part of everyone's daily life and lifestyle. You will find CBD in the population's medicine cabinets. So because of it becoming a part of our daily lives, we wanted to join it together with coffee, because they go hand in hand." 

Rodkey said that the compounds, CBD and caffeine both interact with some of the same chemicals in our brain. He also said the CBD element brings a nice calming effect to the caffeine jitters of coffee. 

For more information on CBD infused products and coffee, locals can visit the location at 9630 Huebner Road or online at