Houston Street The Spot to be Friday Night

Party-goers enjoy the afternoon in front of the Rand Building. (Photos by: GA Media Media Productions.)
April 12, 2019 - The Business District (Downtown SA)
By: Jonathan Guajardo - Editor, San Antonio Sentinel
Geekdom sat empty Friday night as its usual cast of resident entrepreneurs mixed and mingled on the parking lot in front of the Rand Building listening to the spinning sounds of The Pearl District’s resident DJ, Soundcream Airstream. Bobbing their heads and enjoying free Topo Chicos courtesy of Centro SA, as well as alcoholic options provided by Rosella and High Wheel Brewing, members of San Antonio’s tech, art, and business sectors enjoyed a night downtown with food provided by the Jerk Shack and Pinch Boil House and Bia Bar. The smell of boiling crawfish wafted through the air while couples danced, innovators conversed, and revelers drank and ate to their hearts delight.
Revelers enjoy the evening downtown. (Photos by: GA Media Media Productions.)
The evening was the brainchild of Centro San Antonio’s Activate Houston Street initiative. Liz Burt, Centro San Antonio’s Director of Placemaking and Programming described the purpose of the party. “It’s really just to inspire locals and visitors alike to experience places, parking lots, unexpected vacant spaces in a new unique way,” stated Burt. “We curated this experience tonight all based on community feedback.” Regarding Centro SA’s mission, she commented, “We oversee the PID (Public Improvement District). Our services include everything from way finding to cleaning to homeless outreach, but what it boils down to is we want everyone to have a unique vibrant experience when they’re downtown.”
“I think it’s great to have something accessible and easy to go to for the community. I’m glad there’s something for people near downtown and the Southtown area.”
The crawfish boil was a hit among attendees. (Photos by: GA Media Media Productions.)
The festivities were a hit with attendees, many of who had just finished work for the day and were in search of something to do downtown. “I think it’s great,” raved Gaby Flores, a local graphic artist and downtown San Antonio resident. “I think it’s great to have something accessible and easy to go to for the community. i’m glad there’s something for people near downtown and the Southtown area.”
San Antonio entrepreneur, Gylon Jackson, contrasted the event to the Fiesta Oyster Bake which was taking place at the same time on the St. Mary’s University campus. “You could be at Oyster Bake right now paying $20 just to get in the door, but right now at this event across the street from Geekdom, it’s $10 all you can eat crawfish. Everybody from all over the place is here,” remarked the charismatic Jackson.
According to Liz Burt, this event is just one of many more “Spot on Houston” events yet to come. “We are going to plan something probably in the Fall, probably around Startup Week, and it may or may not include a pumpkin patch or a harvest festival. So it’ll be a fun unique experience again probably in October.”